About TheraSPEAK
About TheraSpeak
A Comprehensive Approach To Speech Therapy
TheraSpeak ™ provides personalized speech and cognitive therapy for adults with communication or thinking problems associated with stroke, dementia, traumatic brain injury or COVID-19. The services provided by TheraSpeak ™ are grounded in state-of-the-art science and our team has combined over 40 years of experience providing compassionate help to maximize recovery.

Our Mission At TheraSpeak
Our mission is to help you improve your communication and thinking skills. At TheraSpeak, we know that every person is different, which is why we take the time to get to know you and learn about your goals during a free 30-minute evaluation session (TheraFREE). If our service is right for you, we design a plan involving a combination of online sessions with our qualified therapists (TheraSESSION), and self-paced online practice sessions using our science-based online training games (TheraPRACTICE). With TheraSpeak you can be sure that your are getting targeted help where you need it most.

TheraPRACTICE is the name of our online APP developed to assist adults who are experiencing communication or thinking problems associated with stroke, dementia, traumatic brain injury or COVID-19. The advent of technology and its direct application in the world of speech pathology is truly revolutionary. That may sound overblown, but think about it: never before has there been real help for people suffering from language and cognitive trouble in the form of an easy-to-access computer APP.
Our TheraPRACTICE APP removes barriers to speech and cognitive therapy because you literally have the readily accessible therapy tool at your fingertips. You can use the APP as often as you like to benefit from its many exercises designed to improve speech and language cognition. Our in-house technology team has built this innovative computer application using technology that responds to the user.
About TheraFREE
Thera FREE is a no cost, 30 minute, online assessment with licensed and trained speech language pathologist, and co-founder of TheraSPEAK, Astrid Fridriksson. While most online assessments of this kind are conducted through fairly generic online questions, TheraFREE is a live, interactive online session in which Astrid herself, in real time, engages with you in a professional evaluation session. We understand that you are an individual with a unique set of circumstances and challenges.
We also understand that the most effective speech therapy for you will only occur when a licensed speech pathologist assesses your current language and cognitive abilities, takes into account the essential elements of your communication, and discerns specific areas where you can benefit from professional input. Think of TheraFREE as a free one-on-one consultation in which your particular needs are evaluated resulting in a personalized speech pathology plan tailored to promote your progress. If you choose to go beyond the free evaluation, one of our speech pathologists at TheraSPEAK will partner with you to deliver professional speech therapy.

About TheraSESSION
TheraSESSION is our term for the virtual personalized speech and cognitive therapy sessions we offer adults who are experiencing communication or thinking problems associated with stroke, dementia, traumatic brain injury or COVID-19. We design a treatment plan to include these one-on-one sessions for each individual client we assess. Once you have completed the 30 minute, online TheraFREE evaluation, our staff of licensed and trained speech language pathologists will recommend a treatment plan involving TheraSESSION one-on-one, online meetings.
Learn About The Team Behind TheraSpeak
Our staff is made up of internationally renowned language researchers, highly-trained speech language pathologists, and specialists in the field of artificial intelligence approaches to language learning. We draw on decades of experience working with individuals who have aphasia, as well as over 50 scientific papers published in top-tier publications such as the Journal of Neurophysiology and Brain & Language, to develop language improvement strategies.