Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) is commonly associated with aging and, in some cases, maybe the precursor to the onset of Alzheimer’s disease. It is often characterized by impairments in word-finding, memory, problem-solving, and thinking abilities.
If someone is experiencing difficulties recalling names and words in conversation, loses things often, fails to maintain train-of-thought, or forgets important dates, they could be experiencing MCI. Persons with MCI may also experience anxiety, depression, and an overall lack of interest in participating in activities once enjoyable to them.
Certain factors like obesity, heart disease, diabetes, smoking, inactive lifestyle, and lack of mentally stimulating activities contribute to increasing the chance of developing MCI.

What Can I Do To Prevent This?
There is no cure for MCI, but there are ways to slow down and possibly halter its progression. Things like managing one’s health, exercising with moderate intensity, eating a healthy diet, and engaging in mentally challenging activities like reading and puzzles, can only help maintain brain health.
Speech Software Can Increase Cognitive Functions
Also, many software programs are available to adults that offer many brain-stimulating exercises and activities at the touch of a button. Working with a professional, such as a speech-language pathologist, can help improve cognitive function. The speech-language pathologist would develop a plan to address specific deficits as well as strategies to help the individual struggling with MCI.
The speech-language pathologist may also work closely with family members and caregivers to ensure clear goals and best strategies to help the person with MCI. The diagnosis of MCI does not always mean that dementia will develop. This is why maintaining a physically and mentally active lifestyle is extremely important, especially in older age.