Self-Paced Exercises Using Our Science-Based Games
TheraPRACTICE, our advanced speech therapy app offers a variety of features that will help you improve your speech skills, including flashcards, spelling challenges, and games for various speech-related exercises. The different modules address speech comprehension and word production, word retrieval, executive function, reading, semantics and phonology. Plus, our fun and vibrant user interface will keep you entertained while you learn!
Harnessing Artificial Intelligence For You Speech Recovery
TheraPRACTICE is our patented APP designed to be used by people with mild aphasia or by caregivers assisting people with moderate to severe aphasia. If you have developed difficulty with understanding speech and language, producing speech, or word finding, then you could definitely benefit from using our TheraPRACTICE APP.

Multiple Activities
Over 30 Games to Work On:
-Speech Sounds
-Language Processing
-Understanding Speech
-Producing Speech

Each mini-game is designed by expert programmers in collaboration with expert speech-language researchers to make sure you improve as quickly as possible. Work at your own pace!

Earn points until you become a ‘Master’ of language processing! Purchasing the full version of the game unlocks more content and gets you access to new training games as they are developed!
Try The Free Version Of TheraPRACTICE
TheraPRACTICE software aims at taking you through sequential tasks related to various focus areas. Numerous games cover the areas of Speech Sounds, Language Processing, Understanding Speech, and Producing Speech. Click Here To Play FREE!!!
Play the demo Free By Clicking Below
*Please note, the game may take a minute to load the first time you play. This is because your computer needs to download our high-quality images, sounds and videos!

Choose What
To Practice

Language Skills

Increase Language Processing
We invite you to try the TheraPRACTICE APP for free
TheraPRACTICE, the advanced speech therapy APP we have developed for you, incorporates features aimed at improving your speech and cognition skills. As you use the APP, you’ll encounter flashcards, spelling challenges, and games geared to offer various speech-related exercises.